Contest Ended!
Want to be the first to know about shows and exclusive offers, including the ability to win tickets to upcoming shows at the Downtown Las Vegas Event Center? Sign up below!
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Contest Ended!
Want to be the first to know about shows and exclusive offers at the Downtown Las Vegas Event Center? Sign up below!
Enter below to win a years worth of concert & event tickets!*
Prize: Two (2) general admission tickets to all shows between 3/1/2018 and 3/1/2019
Prize is two (2) General Admission tickets to any concert or event that is open to the public between 3/1/2018 and 3/1/2019. Prize tickets cannot be upgraded. Tickets are not for re-sale. Tickets are non-transferable for winner and chosen guest. Winner and guest may be required to provide additional documentation in connection with the Contest. Concerts & events are subject to age limitations. Management Reserves All Rights. Blackout dates may apply. Winner and guest assume all liability for any damages caused or claimed to be caused in connection with his or her participation in the Contest and/or the acceptance, awarding, receipt, use and/or misuse of prize.